We Need Your Help – NOW
So do our friends in India, as the COVID-19 pandemic ravages their country
For over 200 years the Scudders have provided direct medical care and comfort to the peoples of India.
For over 100 years Scudder families have provided financial support to those medical services through the philanthropic efforts of the Scudder Association Foundation. It is a tradition we have quietly continued.
However, not since the turbulent period of Indian Independence in the 1940’s, has the work begun by the Scudders and continued by the thousands of graduates of the CMC Vellore and Scudder Memorial Hospital medical programs come under a graver threat to the welfare of the communities they serve, than now.
As most of you are aware, there is a health crisis of unimaginable proportion in India today. While our prayers and thoughts go to all of the people there who suffer, the scope of the Covid infection is too vast for our Foundation to mitigate the crisis nationwide. We can though, and we must, do what we can for those Institutions, founded by our family, to see that they weather this unprecedented epidemic.
To end that end, we are asking that you, your family, and your friends do whatever you can to assist in providing relief from the terrible burden the Covid-19 crisis has put on the people and staff of CMC Vellore and Scudder Memorial Hospital.
They need our help and our prayers, right now!
We know your prayers will be accounted for in the usual fashion. But your financial help can be accounted for here, and now, by pressing the Donate Button.
We pray you do and thank you.
Family and friends, please assist us in providing relief in support of the people and staff of CMC Vellore and Scudder Memorial Hospital dealing with the Covid-19 crisis. They need our help and our prayers, right now!
Please forward this link along to your friends and family
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